Let The Light In
February 1st, 2012 // 9:33 pm @ Coach Erik
Coach Erik here:
My offering today begins with a famous quote by songwriter and poet Leonard Cohan:
“There is a crack in everything. That’s what let’s the light in.”
It’s not a matter if you will face adversity in your life it’s a matter of when. When adversity strikes, I invite you to use it as an opportunity to let the light in. Know that you are NOT alone. Stay open. Stay positive. And as always remember, you are a lot stronger then you think you are.
For those of you who are struggling, or going though a rough patch, please know I am thinking of you today. I offer you this poem in hopes of reminding you that you are not alone.
You Are Not Alone
By Erik Hajer
It may feel like it will never get better.
Know that it will.
It may feel like the mountain is too high or the abyss is too deep.
Know that it isn’t.
It may feel like you are all alone.
Know that you are not.
I invite you to stay strong today. Know that there is something inside of you that is superior to your current circumstances.
Thinking of you,
Erik Hajer is an award-winning trainer, blogger and author who has helped thousands of people live the fit, vital and empowered life they deserve. To learn more about Coach Erik and his new book, LIVE FIT AND BE WELL, visit his website:
Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings