Small Things Great Love

Small Things Great Love

January 15th, 2015 // 12:47 am @




Coach Erik here:

 We can never heal all of the sadness and pain in other people’s lives. We can’t carry their load and produce miracles overnight. But we can bring a cup of cool water to a thirsty soul or a scoop of laughter to a lonely heart. We can give someone the gift of our full presence and the miracle of unconditional love.

 Take away: Mother Theresa once said, “We cannot do great things only small things with great love.” I invite you to something small with great love today. Notice how good this feels.


Erik Hajer is an award-winning trainer, life coach, presenter, athlete and author. Check out his blog/vlog for more secrets to living a fit and happy life you love. 









Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings &Inspiration

2 Comments → “Small Things Great Love”

  1. Alanna

    10 years ago

    This is one of my favorite blog posts to date. I keep coming back to read it. So much truth. Thanks Erik!

    • erikhajer


      10 years ago

      Happy it resonated Alanna! It’s such a joy being a witness to your continued transformation!


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