Your Most Valuable Currency

Your Most Valuable Currency

November 20th, 2014 // 1:40 pm @



The effect you have on other people is the most valuable currency there is. At the very end, all that you’ve accomplished and accumulated will fade away. What will remain are the moments of honest, brave and intimate connection that will live in the hearts of others forever. 

Take away: Be somebody that makes other people around you feel like somebody. Shine your light freely on as many people as you can today.



colorado pic


Erik Hajer is an award-winning personal coach, presenter and author. Check out his blog/vlog for more secrets to living a fit and happy life you love. 


Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings &Inspiration

4 Comments → “Your Most Valuable Currency”

  1. Janet Dunwoody

    10 years ago

    Love it! I really try to live this one:)


    • Erik Hajer

      10 years ago

      I hear/feel you Janet! Nothing beats those moments of true honest & intimate connection eh?


  2. Carrol H

    10 years ago

    You are an inspiration for me of how to be that person. Your light shines brightly Erik!


    • Erik Hajer

      10 years ago

      That means so much to me coming from you Carrol! Thinking of you and sending you positive healing energy from Boston. Big hugs!!


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