Walking The (Fire) Walk

Walking The (Fire) Walk

March 22nd, 2013 // 7:58 pm @


Coach Erik here:

How do you walk on fire and not get burned? I learned this and many more powerful life lessons while participating in a fire walk ceremony. 

What is a fire walk?

Fire walking is the act of walking barefoot on a bed of fire and hot embers. The ceremony has been around for thousands of years and is often used by cultures around the world to celebrate strength, courage, action, power and faith.

You’re probably wondering why on earth did I do this? For me the fire walk was a metaphor for taking action in spite of fear. For over 17 years I have invited people to step out of their comfort zones. To take inspired action and create a new story of what is possible in their lives.  In short I felt called to walk the talk and reaffirm my commitment to pushing my own boundaries.

At the end of the day this was not about fire walking. This was about standing up and saying no to fear and yes to living an even more vital, empowered and fulfilled life.

Here’s what I learned from my fire walk experience and what I invite you to consider when facing a fear in your own life:

1) When you do the thing you thought you could not do the possibilities of your life exponentially expand. To do this you must exercise your fath and courage like a muscle. Faith and courage consistently used gets stronger. If you think you can’t then you must. Meaning you must do that which you fear the most. The key is not to fight the fear but move (act) with it like a dance. A life liberated from fear is a life filled with unlimited possibilities and joy.

2) Your energy is sourced by your physiology. Change your physiology change your life.  You can change our biochemistry and get into a peak state instantly by your posture and the way you breadth and move. Emotion is created by motion. You are infinitely more powerful then you think you are.

3) What you focus on becomes your reality.  Focus equals feelings. Placing your minds eye on what you want (versus what you don’t want) drives you towards our goals.

4) Your biography is not your destiny. The quality of your life is shaped by the story you tell yourself. You can design a new compelling story by creating new empowering evidence and attaching powerful language to that experience.

Take away: You don’t need to do a fire walk to break through and change the trajectory of your life. Talking inspired action in spite of fear is a game changer. You can do this by:

Exercising your faith and courage like a muscle by doing things you thought you could not do.

Changing your physiology into a peak state with your posture, focus and movement.

Focusing on what you want to happen. What you focus on you feel. This becomes your experience.

Creating a new definition of yourself. You are not your past story. To get what you want you must decide to give up your old story of “can’t” and create new evidence supporting a new empowering definition of who you are and what you are capable of.

You may still be asking yourself, “Erik have you lost your mind?” The answer is a loud yes! I have indeed lost my mind and as a result reawakened the power of my body and spirit.

By taking inspired action in spite of fear you can too.

Erik Hajer is an award-winning fitness and wellness coach and author of the book, LIVE FIT AND BE WELL: A Personal Transformation Workbook. (Amazon: http://amzn.to/t3z97A ) In addition to training for life, he is a 13-time marathoner and 5- time Ironman Triathlon finisher.

Connect with Coach Erik and the Fit and Well Tribe online at http://erikhajer3.wpengine.com There you will find community, support, inspiration, and awesome training videos too! 

Please pass this along to anyone you know who may need a boost.



Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings &Inspiration

2 Comments → “Walking The (Fire) Walk”

  1. AnnT

    11 years ago

    WOW Coach E! SO proud of you.

    I am so happy to read this first thing in the morning. Way to motivate and show that everyone needs to keep moving forward and challenge themselves. I loved reading this and because of it, will press even harder today towards what I want to be.

    Thank you for being the special person you are, and congratulations and further your own faith and courage to take action!


    • erikhajer


      11 years ago

      Thanks Ann-

      I was drawing energy from you and the team the whole night. It was a powerful experience that really opened me up to possibility. The truth is you don’t have to do a firewalk to awaken your power. Every time you take action in spite of fear you are exercising faith and courage like a muscle and creating new empowering evidence of CAN on a deep conscious and subconscious level.

      You are doing this in your own life which is so beautiful and inspiring Ann!


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